May 5, 2015 Rising Stars: Kelly McCollum and Marcie Colledge Offer Non-Sparkly Science Kits for Girls
March 30, 2015 Rising Star: Genevieve LeMarchal, Founder of Sadie, Makes Awesome Product Photography Simple
November 18, 2014 FINEX Cast Iron Cookware Company selected to receive the OEN Angel Oregon Fall 2014 Investment Award
November 7, 2014 Rising Star: Lisa Dolezal of Fieldworks Supply Company Offers Grooming Products for the Manly Man
October 30, 2014 The Contenders: Meet the Finalists for OEN’s Angel Oregon Fall 2014 Investment Program
October 6, 2014 And Then There Were Six… Meet the Semifinalists for OEN’s Angel Oregon Fall 2014 Program