Announcing the Semifinalists for OEN’s Spring 2015 Angel Oregon Investment Program

Oregon Growth Board Invests $50,000 in OEN’s Angel Oregon Spring 2015 LLC Investment Award

Rising Star: Genevieve LeMarchal, Founder of Sadie, Makes Awesome Product Photography Simple

Jama Software lands $20M

Portland video branding experts at brandlive show clients who’s the (Cake) boss

Elemental enlists encoding veteran to lead sales team

Genki-Su launches Community Sourced Capital Campaign to expand into new stores

VDO Interpreters founder Juan Barraza helps organize the new Portland Startup Weekend Latino

Wildfang presents new campaign for tomboys: EVAN RACHEL WOULD

See Who Made the Second Cut in OEN’s Angel Oregon and Give Us Your Picks

The Pitch: GarageSkins gives your garage a facelift with magnets

Rising Star: Juan Barraza Aims to Provide Every Patient with a Medical Interpreter Where and When They Need One

The Oregon Community Foundation Invests $25,000 in OEN’s Angel Oregon Spring 2015 LLC Investment Award