Oregon Entrepreneurs Network Announces Finalists for the 25th Anniversary of the OEN Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards

Making Portland ‘a petri dish’ for an equitable cannabis industry by supporting minority-owned businesses (Portland Business Journal)

VertueLab Impact Summit ready to target Oregon investors (Portland Business Journal)

Ground Up PDX provides job training to empower women (Portland Business Alliance)

Oregon bioscience incubator cruises to success in first five years (Portland Business Journal)

25 Reasons Why You Should Attend The OEN Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards Dinner, Part 4

OEN’s president on what she’s learned from Oregon entrepreneurs (Portland Business Journal)

Press Release: EDCO Announces 2018 BVC Semi-Finalists for Impact and Growth Categories

How this Portland startup is turning biz development classes into an accessible ‘workout’ (Portland Business Journal)

PDX Women in Tech gives members a boost with new scholarship fund (Portland Business Journal)

Sneak Preview of Industrious, Portland’s Newest and Coolest Coworking Space

Hundreds run the 2018 AWS Elemental 4K 4Charity in honor of Sam Blackman (Portland Business Journal)

With no Angel Oregon this year, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network rolls out a new event (Portland Business Journal)