OEN Member News‘Rona Resources
As we watch the news unfold and anticipate business interruptions, I’m writing to provide some quick updates on OEN’s resources for entrepreneurs to help navigate choppy waters.
First off, all OEN PubTalks and other in-person events have been canceled until May. Office Hours for March and April will be set-up as 1:1 phone calls, the OEN Startup Resource EXPO has been re-scheduled to happen on August 6th at TechFestNW, and Oregon Angel Food is scheduled for Friday, September 11.
The good news is that OEN offers its members an incredible network of investors, lawyers, accountants, commercial real-estate brokers and consultants of all kinds, specializing in supporting startups and entrepreneurs. If your business needs help, email info@oen.org and we will do our best to connect you with someone in our network.
For those offering specialized support to startups and founders, please provide a short description of what you’re offering and how to access it here, and we’ll share.
I’ll be posting relevant resources on OEN’s Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/oenorg, and amplifying news and updates from other entrepreneur-service organizations as well.
For now, here are a few starting places for entrepreneurs:
Built Oregon Small Business Impact Survey https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmfjKctrvDHiQcDlOvgdtmGnbnjXImjR39Yr1LVagVx7ZAtg/viewform
Business Oregon COVID-19 Financial Resources for Businesses
https://www.oregon4biz.com/Coronavirus-Information/COVID19-Resources.php -
Greater Portland Inc COVID-19 Business Resources https://greaterportlandinc.com/covid-business-resources
Stoel Rives Coronavirus Resource Center
https://www.stoel.com/legal-insights/special-reports/coronavirus-resource-center -
Perkins Coie Coronavirus Guidance for Businesses https://www.perkinscoie.com/en/trending-now/topics/coronavirus-guidance-for-businesses.html
Tonkon Torp Guidance on Business Interruption Insurance
Wishing everyone health and resilience through these unpredictable times!
We sew canvas tents in Milwaukie Oregon.
How do we access federal contract opportunities for FEMA and hospitals during this crisis?
We have 4 employees we will lay off next week.
We are looking for an opportunity to serve and benefit from any emergency shelter needs the state or federal government may have.
Beckel Canvas Products
Katie Murphy, Owner
503 232 3362
“Sheltering Families Since 1964”