OEN NewsAnnouncing the Semifinalists for OEN’s Spring 2015 Angel Oregon Investment Program
Who will win the Big Check? Six semifinalists are still in the running for OEN’s Angel Oregon Spring 2015 Investment Award and will proceed to compete in the next round.
From a record 61 applications, these six companies have survived three rounds of judging by our 2015 investor group. All six will present at OEN’s Angel Oregon Showcase, coming up on April 22.
Our annual Showcase is Oregon’s premier pitch event, featuring the state’s most exciting up-and-coming entrepreneurs. (Nab your seat here!) A total of 12 up-and-coming companies will present to hundreds of local investors and business leaders. At the end of the day, one of the six companies below will walk away with an investment of $200,000 to $300,000.
A drum roll please for…
As demand for consumer gadgets continues to surge, display manufacturers have not yet achieved profitability. Amorphyx dramatically reduces manufacturing costs while increasing the brightness, speed and efficiency of LCD and flexible displays.
Studying alone isn’t fun, and for many students, it isn’t effective. BuddyUp is a matchmaking site for study buddies, making it easy to connect beyond the classroom.
MotioSens, Inc.
MotioSens has developed patented technology to unobtrusively monitor the activity and health of seniors living alone. Its product will be marketed to the siblings and care-givers of the 89% of seniors who wish to remain independent, and who currently number more than 40 million in the USA.
Sightworks, Inc.
BrandLX, created by Sightworks, offers branded learning experiences for commerce, classrooms and corporate training environments. Go beyond the generic LMS offerings and express your brand throughout the whole experience.
SpaceView, Inc.
SpaceView enables you to place a virtual object into a real space within seconds. We want to do for space design what Instagram did for photos.
Willow Games
By offering gamers cash prizes for winning, Willow Games helps great mobile-game designers monetize and promote their work by dramatically increasing exposure and engagement. Competing for real prizes puts gamers back in the driver’s seat and promotes games where skill is the key!
The full speaker lineup for OEN’s Angel Oregon Showcase is now official! It will include these six semifinalists from OEN’s Spring 2015 Angel Oregon Investment Program, plus:
BIOMIO – OEN’s Angel Oregon Fall 2014 Semifinalist
BIOMIO offers a 3rd Party Biometrics Authentication Service (API), which works with any application or device.
FINEX Cast Iron Cookware Co. – OEN’s Angel Oregon Fall 2014 Winner
The FINEX vision is for a modern heirloom quality cast iron skillet in every kitchen and to provide the finest American-made cookware imaginable.
GrowlerWerks, Inc.
GrowlerWerks designed the world’s first growler system that works. It keeps beer fresh, cold and carbonated so you can enjoy it wherever and whenever you like.
Nuzzle – Winner of OEN’s January 2015 PubTalk PitchFest
Nuzzle™ is dedicated to soothing a nursing mom’s painful lactation issues with warm and cool thermal therapies — minus all the fuss.
Sadie is Product Photography and eCommerce made simple. Sadie offers a proprietary photography process bolstered by technology, enabling you to sell more products online.
VDO Interpreters
VDO Interpreters provides medical interpreters for the healthcare industry utilizing the latest video conferencing technology. Its flexible VRI solution allows you to access an interpreter on demand.
See these companies present at our upcoming Angel Oregon Showcase! Are you registered yet? Learn more and nab your seat.