OtherSend Me an Angel: OEN Entrepreneurs Say Angel Investors Lead Funding Efforts, according to OEN Benchmark Survey

Friends and Family are the Second Highest Source of Angel Investing for Young Entrepreneurs

OEN’s first-ever Benchmark Survey reveals that angel investors are the number one source of funding for OEN entrepreneur members, at 57%, followed by friends and family. Venture capitalists were the third most common source of funding for startups, according to OEN entrepreneurs surveyed.

In other good news for Oregon entrepreneurs: the survey revealed that 58% of active OEN investor members made at least one investment in 2011. And, investment activity is already up in 2012 over 2011, with nearly 50% of investors having reported investing in new businesses by mid-2012.

“Angel investors play a critical role within our start-up ecosystem.  Not only do angels provide early-stage capital but they are often involved as advisors or mentors, too.  I encourage those interested in learning more about angel investing to contact OEN to help grow our base of investors and broaden our areas of expertise,” said Shelley Gunton, OEN’s Angel Oregon 2012 program chair.

Stay tuned for more insights from the first-ever OEN Benchmark Survey in future blog posts here – and let us know your thoughts and ideas by adding a comment on our blog.

Conducted for OEN by Lynch Marketing Strategies, the survey included responses from 267 OEN members and non-member attendees of OEN events since January 1, 2011.

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